July Updates

July has been an unseasonably cool and wet month.  Although it is not normal we’ll gladly welcome this weather with open arms.  Everything is looking green and lush.  With any luck we’ll head into August with these phenomenal conditions also.

HRF has added new photos to two galleries.

There are now updated photos of the quail habitat project showcasing the changes in the site after all the debris has been piled and now awaits a drying period before burning.  The JCB 190T paired with a Gregory Grapple by Sidney Manufacturing worked extremely well.  It was an excellent match of power and versatility.

Photos have also been updated under the Tree Shelter/Prairie Restoration project.  Photos display the difference in prairie before and after areas of small diameter cottonwood have been felled to eliminate area seed source.  There are a few photos of a heavy thunderstorm that swallowed up the area moments before it hit.