Over the upcoming Labor Day weekend the fantastic organization New York Says Thank You will be at the Little Sioux Scout Ranch near Little Sioux, IA. Over the weekend hundreds of volunteers including several firefighters, police officers, and other rescue personnel will be there lending a hand to help the scouts with various projects.
One of the main projects over the weekend is the rebuilding of the chapel that was destroyed during the tornado of 2008. This splendid chapel will be built using cedar trees from nearby areas.
HRF highly recommends taking a look at www.newyorksaysthankyou.org when you get a few spare moments to learn the history of the organization and how they’ve helped several communities over the past few years devastated by disaster. It’s phenomenal to think that all of this was started with the dream of a 5 year old boy who wanted to help other children in need.
All volunteer help is greatly appreciated for the weekend and if you are able, please come to lend a healing hand. These boys are heroes, and now heroes from around the country come to their aid. Help be a hero.