Spring has been a very busy season for Hickory Ridge Forestry. In between dodging multiple rainstorms, HRF has been attacking the goal of planting 65,200 trees in western Iowa ranging from Fremont county to Monona, and points east also.
50,000 trees were planted over 80+ acres along the Missouri River bottoms on ground managed by the Iowa DNR and owned by the Army Corps of Engineers. Hopefully in the years to come the two sites planted will change into forests filled with black walnut, pecans, multiple species of oak, and several varieties of shrubs and bushes.
8000 trees are currently being planted at Preparation Canyon State Park north of Pisgah, IA. Approximately 150 acres of the park was heavily devastated by the 2008 tornado that also passed through the Little Sioux Scout ranch. HRF is scouring the hillsides and valleys planting trees where accessible through some of the remaining downed timber and debris. Of these 8000 trees half are receiving a tree shelter to protect them from weather elements and more specifically mammal browsing. HRF is proud to help with the reforestation efforts on this great park.
It’s been a busy spring, but as this chapter closes HRF turns it’s attention to some really great projects over the summer including timber harvests, oak savanna restoration, eastern red cedar eradication, timber stand improvements, and a host of other activities. New photos will be added soon along with updates of projects. It’s going to be a great year for the improvement of our resources.