Wet Summer

The summer of 2010 has been challenging and very wet to say the least.  It seems as though record rainfall and river levels are making things difficult all over the Midwest.  Things are no different with HRF.  One of the main issues is access to certain sites that are a little more remote than others takes some effort.  Four new photos have been added to the tree planting gallery to show the effects of the flooding on approximately 16,000 seedlings.

Hickory Ridge Forestry has finished cedar eradication recently clearing nearly 25 acres by hand.  It will take some time for the residue to dry down to be suitable for a prescribed burn within a year or two.  Following the cedars HRF moved south near Thurman for a TSI (Timber Stand Improvement) project.  We did a crop tree release benefiting the highest quality oaks and hickories on the site.  It’s always amazing to see what is left in the woods when competition and invasives are removed.

The truly unfortunate issue with this summer so far has been the maddening masses of mosquitoes that are thriving in the woods and beyond.  They are making conditions very unfavorable for woods work and nearly impossible to document some of these great sites and projects with photos.  Swarms of attacking mosquitoes and a steady hand with the camera don’t go hand in hand.

Hopefully the remainder of the summer will dry out a bit and relieve some of the burden on the waterlogged Midwest.  HRF looks towards a lot of timber improvement and savanna restoration in the upcoming months.  If the insects allow please look for new photos soon.