Winter once again brings us back to the Loess Hills State Forest (LHSF). It certainly wouldn’t have felt right without some snow on the ground, cold temperatures, and steep slopes to navigate. The hills did not disappoint. Hickory Ridge Forestry works again on some timber stand improvement (TSI) on a beautiful area of the Little Sioux unit within the LHSF.
The primary goal is to release the highest quality species such as black walnut and bur oaks providing them with reduced competition and a better opportunity for production and growth. The woods are great and there are truly some amazing stands of timber. It’s been a pleasure to have the chance to help with the reclamation of these new acres.
Hopefully long after I am gone the benefits of our actions will be seen. Healthy stands of high quality hardwoods will be there for generations to come. Take a road trip and go exploring some time…there are thousands of acres to admire.